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Best viewer quotes:
huskerfan4life: this was a great learning experience. science
suddenly made sense
Guest_8278772361170: shift from people-to-people entertain to
people-to-device hyperspeeded
tiggermom: It's not easy being a fashion plate like Herb.
sandgrain: Less Nessman is an amusing enigma
HrtbeatofAmerica: are y'all aware that Hugh Wilson (creator of
WKRP) meant WKRP = KRAP.. just an FYI
citykidd: can you say when the 80z is coming back?
citykidd: never mind, IT'S BACK :)
Dr.Fever quotes:
“If everyone is out to get you paranoia is only good thinking”
“Right now I'd like to describe some of the incredible action
that's going on down here. A man we believe might be a customer has
just come from freshening up, and it looks like he's...leaving. No,
wait a minute, he's paused there; maybe he's going to chat with Del
Murdock, personable owner of Del's Stereo and Sound... yes, he is.
Maybe he's going to buy something, and he's...no, no, he's pulled
out a gun...uh, for any policemen who might be listening,
apparently we're being held up here at Del's Stereo and