This channel is about UFO`s & Ghosts, must be 18 or over allowed on
this channel & only people with usernames can chat,(respect others
by not swearing on chat).<br>
Will be posting Latest UFO`s and Ghosts and other paranormal videos
and stories on chat!<br>
LIVE cams from my home for Ufo`s & Ghosts, i do live investigations
for contacting spirits using Kinect(seen on GA),Ghost box(P-SB7),
full spectrum camera, digital recorder, trigger objects, thermal
detector and many new things i like trying out.<br>
I have placed trigger objects on the table, three balls ,pyramids
that turn by themselves ,trigger lights, K2 meter next to haunted
doll Sandra with trigger light shes holding a bell in her hand that
she could ring, baton that lights up on chair, mirror where people
have seen faces,orbs, knocks,static,shadows, cold breezes felt and
Live invests for contacting spirits from my home Saturday mornings
at 1:00 - 2:00(UK)<br>
Day times Cam 2 will be watching Haunted Doll Sandra with trigger
light and bell she holds and may ring it!.<br>
In my spare times i play snooker on my 8ft Live on cam, watch me
getting big breaks(highest i have is 102) even maybe watching me
doing art(painting oils).<br>
Please note: I turn off all radios , TV`s , heater ,fans and
windows are shut to eliminate anything what you see and hear is not
from any of the above mentioned after midnight time(UK)<br>
Orbs have been seen,shadows & even faces in Mirror, knocks
heard,voices,shuffling, static felt, cold breezes, taps turning
themselves on and being touched while doing invests at my home.<br>
Please chat about any sightings you have seen in your lifetime,
i`ve seen UFO`s back in 1997 in UK, always happy to hear your
stories of photos evp`s, videos.<br>
Want to earn easy cash:<br>
<a href="" target="_blank"
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Follow me on Gab: <a href="" target=
"_blank" class="indexTxtLink" rel=
Follow me on Flickr for my photos and more here : <a href=
"" target="_blank"
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Website for invest Chat, Photos, Videos, EVP`s, contact me:
[email protected]: <a href=
"" target=
"_blank" class="indexTxtLink" rel=
My Youtube for all my latest invests videos and more here:<br>
<a href=
target="_blank" class="indexTxtLink" rel=
My Paintings & drawings channel here <a href=
"" target="_blank" class=
"indexTxtLink" rel=
Contact me by email of stories you may have about the
Paranormal(Only 18`s or over please may contact me) here :
[email protected]
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This channel is about UFO`s & Ghosts, must be 18 or over allowed on
this channel & only people with usernames can chat,(respect others
by not swearing on chat).
Will be posting Latest UFO`s and Ghosts and other paranormal videos
and stories on chat!
LIVE cams from my home for Ufo`s & Ghosts, i do live investigations
for contacting spirits using Kinect(seen on GA),Ghost box(P-SB7),
full spectrum camera, digital recorder, trigger objects, thermal
detector and many new things i like trying out.
I have placed trigger objects on the table, three balls ,pyramids
that turn by themselves ,trigger lights, K2 meter next to haunted
doll Sandra with trigger light shes holding a bell in her hand that
she could ring, baton that lights up on chair, mirror where people
have seen faces,orbs, knocks,static,shadows, cold breezes felt and
Live invests for contacting spirits from my home Saturday mornings
at 1:00 - 2:00(UK)
Day times Cam 2 will be watching Haunted Doll Sandra with trigger
light and bell she holds and may ring it!.
In my spare times i play snooker on my 8ft Live on cam, watch me
getting big breaks(highest i have is 102) even maybe watching me
doing art(painting oils).
Please note: I turn off all radios , TV`s , heater ,fans and
windows are shut to eliminate anything what you see and hear is not
from any of the above mentioned after midnight time(UK)
Orbs have been seen,shadows & even faces in Mirror, knocks
heard,voices,shuffling, static felt, cold breezes, taps turning
themselves on and being touched while doing invests at my home.
Please chat about any sightings you have seen in your lifetime,
i`ve seen UFO`s back in 1997 in UK, always happy to hear your
stories of photos evp`s, videos.