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Discussion of music is certainly welcomed here in chat, and that
discussion may influence the song selection, separate from your
"official" requests in the request chat room. We call those
"Accidental Requests".
Viewer Code of Conduct
Don't be rude. Don't be annoying. Disagreeing is OK. Being
disagreeable isn't. ... Unruly visitors will be moderated as
Instant Message/Private Message/Chat Message
While live streaming, I am usually pretty busy with various aspects
of the show and have very limited time for private/offline
conversation. For that reason, I may not see or be able to respond
to private messages during the cast. I do monitor the chat as much
as I can, but will miss people entering and leaving, therefore I
cannot personally greet folks who enter the chat. Thanks for your
Reminder about personal moderation tools
• Viewers can use the /ignore command in chat to not see chat from
another viewer.
• Viewers can clear their own chat box using "Clear Chat" in Chat
• Viewers can "ignore" persons in IM/Vaughn Messenger so as not to
get their msgs.
Thanks to gil_on_vl for his major inspiration for this info