* Please input the URL and the song name and artist.For AUDIO requests...
* If the video is just an album cover or other still image, please give it to me as an audio request (see next).
* Please input the song name, artist, and other relevant info (if any).For ALL requests...
* Requests should be relatively family-friendly, not super long, and of general appeal to our viewers.
* You have to be signed-in to the Gil_on_VL channel to get your request played.
* If you see your request in the chat box, rest assured that I will see it, too.
* I will try to get at least one request played per person. Seconds or thirds are at my discretion. Requests that come in toward the end of the cast may not get played.
* (Updated 5/22/2023) A feature of the Gil_on_VL stream is variety. Repeat artist requests within the same week and repeat song requests within the same 3 months or so likely will not be played.