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Kartera on Vaughn Live Live Streaming

<h1>Please, read below for info on Kartera, and all our streams/channels.</h1> <br> <br> Hi, and welcome to <b><i>Kartera’s streams</i></b>. Below is the list of all our streams. Before you go enjoying the streams, please take note of all our rules/guidelines:<br> <br> 1. No hate speech. We do not want to allow this type of behavior, especially in a world where we are all more alike, than we are unalike (?).<br> <br> 2. No harassment. Please, do not harass other viewers. We are all here to either enjoy the streams, or at least enjoy each others' company, and harassment does not allow for any amount of enjoyment for the masses (even IF you yourself are amused by it)<br> <br> 3. Foul language is certainly allowed, but please keep it within the guidelines, and context, of the above rule. Yes, these are adult channels, or at least intended for adults, BUT, we know that some viewers have children, and we don’t want them to feel unwelcome here, or in any of our channels.<br> <br> 4. Requests are always welcome in any of our stream channels. We have many, many, different shows, and there is a possibility that we have it already. If we don’t, we will go find the show, watch it to review it, and see if we want to add it.<br> <br> a. Note: We reserve the right to add, or remove, a show/movie/etc.. at any time we please. Generally, we put up the shows we, ourselves, enjoy one way or another. If we do not like the show, chances are, we won’t put it up. So, for us to add a new show, when we watch it, if we don’t like it… we probably won’t add it.<br> <br> b. However, if there’s a show that we have enough requests for, even if we don’t like the show, we may still add it, so don’t think we will be total jackasses about it; we will still try to stream shows that people want to watch.<br> <br> c. Additionally, when making suggestions/requests/comments about shows, please try to keep the requests/suggestions within the bounds of the channel you are requesting it for. Below, you will find the list of all our existing channels (regardless of their current status: live streaming or offline)<br> <br> 5. If you are going to advertise for another stream, please, do it politely, and don’t spam the channel with it.<br> <br> 6. If you are going to advertise for another <b>SITE</b>, please, be careful with this. I’m sure Mark would not be very appreciative of advertising for competing sites/services, and, tbh, we would not be either. Please, use some common sense, even if it’s not quite as <i>common</i> anymore.<br> <br> 7. I am sure there are several other rules/guidelines for the channel(s)/stream(s)/etc(s), however, we just want to keep this short. We may add more later, as we see fit, and if we run into any situation/scenario where posting another is needed.<br> <br> <br> Our Streams:<br> <br> <a href="" target="_blank" class= "indexTxtLink" rel="”noopener"></a><br> <br> (Some of our favorite show series and relative movies with the show(s) )<br> <br> <a href="" target="_blank" class= "indexTxtLink" rel="”noopener"></a><br> <br> (space/science shows and a few movies related to them. Science shows)<br> <br> <a href="" target="_blank" class= "indexTxtLink" rel= "”noopener"></a><br> <br> (variety of some of our movies we have… completely all over the place too… everything from ‘Der Untergang’ and ‘Airplane’ to ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘Midgets Vs. Mascots’. You never know what you’ll get… and adding more often, when we get something else. <b>NOTE:</b> We do <b>NOT</b> try to keep up with all the latest movies that come out. There are plenty of other streams here that try to keep up, and it’s more work than we feel we should put in to keep it current)<br> <br> <a href="" target="_blank" class= "indexTxtLink" rel= "”noopener"></a><br> <br> (several various music videos/movies we have gathered through the years. One of our fav’s in here is ‘The best of Midnight Special with Wolfman Jack’. That should give you an idea)<br> <br> <a href="" target="_blank" class= "indexTxtLink" rel= "”noopener"></a><br> <br> (various shows/movies about space. Currently, it’s a bunch of Star Wars/Star Trek stuff. <b>VERY IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THIS CHANNEL: WE WILL NEVER PUT UP THE NEW STAR WARS EPISODES 7-9.</b> We feel they are a total embarrassment to the Franchise, and do not want to continue spreading the misinformation that they are worth watching, or even endorsing as part of the franchise. We <b>DO</b> have the 2 movies between; Rogue One and Solo. They are different, and worth including)<br> <br> <a href="" target="_blank" class= "indexTxtLink" rel= "”noopener"></a><br> <br> (various shows that we have enjoyed throughout the years, like ATHF (if you don’t know what that is, you probably don’t like it) to another show called ‘Wonder Showzen’. Yes, Wonder Showzen isn’t quite a cartoon, but it certainly fits into the category for the stream.)<br> <br> <a href="" target="_blank" class= "indexTxtLink" rel="”noopener"></a><br> <br> (initially focused on British comedies, however, has been expanded into just various comedy series. We may also include some movies, if they fit properly)<br> <br> <br> All this info is here because we just want to let people know; We stream because we like the shows we are streaming. We watch our own channels very often, even if not all inclusive. Yes, some of the channels only have a few shows, and some have A LOT of shows, and loop quite often, or very rarely.<br> <br> We also enjoy providing people with an alternative means of visual entertainment. We ourselves, cut the cable cord more than 10 years ago. <b>We do not, have not, and will not, have a subscription to Netflix, or Hulu, or any one of the internet streaming services.</b> What we do have, is an ability to spend some of our own time to go out, find the shows/movies we want to watch (or some of the suggested shows/movies), download them, and watch them at our own convenience. We are trying to provide the same for everyone else.<br> <br> Additionally, we also have, throughout the years, found some very interesting, and entertaining, shows/movies that we enjoy, and that aren’t quite as well known. We find that, through our stream(s), we can introduce many other people to these shows/movies. We have been provided feedback through the past few years on some of these shows, and feel we are providing good service through our streams on Please, if you are not familiar with the show, give it a chance, and if you don’t like it, you are certainly entitled to your opinion, but do not try to force that opinion on other viewers.<br> <br> I hope you all understand where we are coming from, and what we are trying to do; We have been using sites similar to Vaughn for many years now, and have been with Vaughn for quite a while as well. We want to make sure that, people have access to our streams for a long time to come.<br> We really are just trying to give back to the community here on Vaughn. For many years, people gave freely to us, and our entertainment wants/needs. We are just trying to pay it forward.<br> <br> I am sure we can say more, but, as Mrs. Kartera says to me quite often: ‘… you can go on a bit too long, cut it down a bit before you lose the audience, dumbass…’ :D<br> Please, enjoy the streams/channels, and if we aren’t active on a channel right now, always feel free to chat in the box, and leave a message for us on any of them. We do check each channel quite often, daily. We will, certainly, see your comments/remarks/suggestions/recommendations/etc.. sometime in the near future.<br> <br> We wish everyone an enjoyable day/night.<br> <br> <br> <h2>In these very, very, trying times, please know we also wish everyone stay safe and healthy! Please, protect yourself, and very much more importantly, protect those who are at high risk. We hope you all practice some social responsibility; don’t buy every single roll of toilet paper on the shelf: there are always others who need some too!</h2>

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