<b>I run this stream at my own cost please feel free to donate
<h1><b><a href="https://twitch.streamlabs.com/shootingames#/"
target="_blank" class="indexTxtLink" rel=
<b>JOIN US ON DISCORD - NEW LINK WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!</b><br>
<h1><b><a href="https://discord.gg/tXy3qMgY5R" target="_blank"
class="indexTxtLink" rel=
<h2><b>I also run these streams<br>
<a href="http://vaughnlive.tv/beavishead" target="_blank" class=
"indexTxtLink" rel=
<a href="http://vaughnlive.tv/mxc" target="_blank" class=
"indexTxtLink" rel="”noopener">http://vaughnlive.tv/mxc</a><br>
<a href="http://twitch.tv/shootingames" target="_blank" class=
"indexTxtLink" rel=
<h2><b><u>I offer my services to up and coming streamers who need
help starting their broadcasts or need some tips on how to fine
tune their existing setup.</u></b></h2>
My channel features many popular animes that all play
chronologically, automatically, use very little bandwidth, and play
back to back similarly to block style tv programming. Feel free to
contact me for any help.<br>
Please visit <a href="http://www.bellpeppersandbeef.com/stream"
target="_blank" class="indexTxtLink" rel=
"”noopener">http://www.bellpeppersandbeef.com/stream</a> to watch
and chat with others, you can find the program lineup here as
Also visit these other great channels!<br>
<a href="http://vaughnlive.tv/thefunhous3" target="_blank" class=
"indexTxtLink" rel=
<a href="http://vaughnlive.tv/beavishead" target="_blank" class=
"indexTxtLink" rel=
<a href="http://vaughnlive.tv/chrisdave" target="_blank" class=
"indexTxtLink" rel="”noopener">http://vaughnlive.tv/chrisdave</a>
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I offer my services to up and coming streamers who need
help starting their broadcasts or need some tips on how to fine
tune their existing setup.
My channel features many popular animes that all play
chronologically, automatically, use very little bandwidth, and play
back to back similarly to block style tv programming. Feel free to
contact me for any help.