<u>Note:</u> This is NOT the channel or chat box for Gil_on_VL
music requests. For that, go to <a href=
"https://vaughn.live/askgil" target="_blank" class="indexTxtLink"
This is the Alt_Gil channel (sometimes the "Alt_Gil Music Stream",
or "AGMS"). Alt_Gil has no set schedule and no set format. Look for
me at odd times.<br>
<i>Credits for some of the background videos used:</i><br>
(1) "High Detail Mandlebrot Zoom" <a href=
"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnuSrhGWqu4" target="_blank"
class="indexTxtLink" rel=
(2) "VJ LOOP NEON Hypnotic Blue Orange Tunnel..."<br>
Free Motion Graphics<br>
Video used: <a href="https://youtu.be/nPQ4BpTfK1Q" target="_blank"
class="indexTxtLink" rel=
YouTube Channel: <a href=
"https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSd9fzv8UQBAC6vCIO-7pZw" target=
"_blank" class="indexTxtLink" rel=
Various MORE MOTION videos<br>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/c/moremotionvisuals" target=
"_blank" class="indexTxtLink" rel=
Various Relaxation Time videos<br>
<a href=
target="_blank" class="indexTxtLink" rel=
<i>Links to my other channels:</i><br>
<a href="https://vaughn.live/Gil_on_VL" target="_blank" class=
"indexTxtLink" rel="”noopener">https://vaughn.live/Gil_on_VL</a> -
This is my flagship channel.<br>
<a href="https://vaughn.live/AskGil" target="_blank" class=
"indexTxtLink" rel="”noopener">https://vaughn.live/AskGil</a> - Put
your music requests here for the Monday night show.<br>
<a href="https://vaughn.live/Alt_Gil" target="_blank" class=
"indexTxtLink" rel="”noopener">https://vaughn.live/Alt_Gil</a> -
You are here.<br>
<a href="https://vaughn.live/Just_Gil" target="_blank" class=
"indexTxtLink" rel="”noopener">https://vaughn.live/Just_Gil</a> -
This was my first VL username, now dormant.<br>
<a href="https://vaughn.live/OffTheCharts" target="_blank" class=
"indexTxtLink" rel="”noopener">https://vaughn.live/OffTheCharts</a>
- Another early VL username, now dormant.<br>
<a href="https://vaughn.live/ChatGPT" target="_blank" class=
"indexTxtLink" rel="”noopener">https://vaughn.live/ChatGPT</a> -
New as of April 2023. Reserved for future use.<br>
<a href="https://twitch.tv/Gil_on_Twitch" target="_blank" class=
"indexTxtLink" rel="”noopener">https://twitch.tv/Gil_on_Twitch</a>
- My Twitch channel. I stream there irregularly and infrequently.
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Note: This is NOT the channel or chat box for Gil_on_VL
music requests. For that, go to https://vaughn.live/askgil
This is the Alt_Gil channel (sometimes the "Alt_Gil Music Stream",
or "AGMS"). Alt_Gil has no set schedule and no set format. Look for
me at odd times.