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Classic SciFi Series !!! - no woke glop... all selected to avoid
SoCiAl-JUstICe krap. Nothing's more boring than a Woke
Please go to https://vaughn.live/Panky
for Classic SciFi Movies too !!.
The channel pic is of Hanky, a cute Cavalier King Charles
Spaniel, and naturally equipped with a frikin' laser beam on his
head. All his friends call him Panky.
Don't make Panky SAD with your posts - keep them reasonably
friendly. Panky is fine with Politically Incorrect Speech and in
fact encourages it, but not with mean-spirited-ness or with
cheap-shot rudeness. Baseless accusations and lying don't play well
here. No profanity please.
Hanky_Panky is 100% non-commercial - Hanky_Panky is "fair use" for
purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching,
scholarship, and research. SciFi is a forward-looking entertainment
genre, and it is interesting to see and discuss these photons and
phonons of the past future.
Panky says: Make It So !!
------------- Hanky_Panky: Making Classic SciFi Great Again